Marine Systems
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Autopilot systems
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Direct Drive System
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Measurement Systems
Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Non - Contacting Radar Level Gauge
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Vibrating Silicon-gyro Attitude Sensor
Velocity Type Strong Motion Seismometer
For vibration isolation seismometer application Servo Accelerometer
Construction Systems
Tunnel Navigation
Fiber Optic Gyrocompass for Tunnel
RF Components
Solid State Power Oscillator
2.45GHz 100W SSPO
2.45GHz 200W SSPO
WEB Inspection Systems
Web Inspection System P-CAP V6
Quality Characteristics of Inspection System
Railway Maintenance
Ultrasonic rail inspection car
Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detector
Switch profile gauge
Supporting safe and secure navigation across the oceans around the globe
Marine traffic is different from land traffic in that there are no landmarks or routes to the destination. Because of that, ocean navigation requires a technology that allows you to provide accurate bearing s and nautical chart information wherever you are, and thereby to sail according to a planned route. TOKYO KEIKI supports safe marine traffic by providing a total range of high-quality marine systems . Such systems include the world's leading gyrocompass, which generates highly accurate heading reference data; the autopilot, which automatically Maintain ship’s heading, given the heading reference data generated by the gyrocompass; and the Electronic Chart Display and Information System, or ECDIS, which we developed for the first time in Japan. These marine systems enable highly efficient steering and navigation, which leads to fuel oil savings and GHG reductions, thereby eventually contributing to sustainable ship operation.
Fiber Optic Gyrocompass
Speed log
Magnetic Compass
Straight Leg Course Control Unit
Digital Course Recorder
Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System
Discontinued Products list was updated.
Our Straight Leg Course Control acquired Innovation Endorsement