Marine Systems
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Fluid Power Systems
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Direct Drive System
Vane Pumps
Piston Pumps
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Measurement Systems
Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Battery-powered Clamp-on Type Ultrasonic Flowmeter for Liquid
Stationary Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Portable Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Radar Level Gauge
FMCW Radar Level Gauge
Non-Contacting Radar Level Gauge
> Hybrid Level Gauge
Vibrating Silicon-gyro Attitude Sensor
Velocity Type Strong Motion Seismometer
For vibration isolation seismometer application Servo Accelerometer
Construction Systems
Tunnel Navigation
Fiber Optic Gyrocompass for Tunnel
RF Components
Solid State Power Oscillator
2.45GHz 100W SSPO
2.45GHz 200W SSPO
WEB Inspection Systems
Web Inspection System P-CAP V6
Quality Characteristics of Inspection System
Railway Maintenance
Ultrasonic rail inspection car
Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detector
Switch profile gauge
In order to ensure the “taken-for-granted” quality
We see food packaging everywhere in our daily life. Although many of us may not pay much attention to it, there are stringent standards for food packaging to be used for products which are to be sold at supermarkets and convenience stores. Therefore, test processes to detect defects, such as minute stains and printing errors are essential. The testing devices that Tokyo Keiki offers have accelerated processes, streamlined operations, and achieved labor savings with our dedicated microchips specifically designed for image processing. Furthermore, they have also achieved miniaturization as they require no control board, and they can be customized according to the inspection system to be used. Our testing devices can detect quality defects on all kinds of materials, including not only food packaging but also PTP sheets for tablets and capsules and building materials for houses. Tokyo Keiki’s image processing technology supports our safe and secure high-quality everyday life.
Data Effectiveness