The TOKYO KEIKI Group was founded in 1896 as the first measuring instrument manufacturer in Japan. Since then, it has pursued its business with the mission of creating a safe and secure society through product development by applying its proprietary measurement, cognition, and control technology. From our beginnings in the domestic production of various instruments, including navigation instruments, we have now expanded our business areas to encompass transportation, agriculture, disaster prevention, and even energy and space.
Our Group defined the business areas that can contribute to solving social issues within TOKYO KEIKI Vision 2030 formulated in fiscal 2021, and we have been working on expanding existing businesses and nurturing new growth drivers. During the three-year medium-term business plan beginning in fiscal 2021, we focused on identifying, incorporating, and developing growth drivers, and we have successfully cultivated several new businesses, including hydrogen energy and space businesses. However, one of our key policies, “Promote globalization,” faced challenges due, in part, to external factors such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, to reflect on this and clarify our future prospects, we have revised “Our Vision—our desired status” to “In a variety of global niche top businesses, contribute to the development of stakeholders” in conjunction with formulating the new medium-term business plan starting in fiscal 2024. Under this vision, we aim to build business models with a global perspective in creating new businesses and expanding our business areas.
We see the period of the new medium-term business plan, starting from fiscal 2024, as a time to solidify our management foundations while making significant strides toward the next major growth stage. We are positioning the next three years as a “leap toward growth” phase, with a focus on improving return on capital through profit expansion. We will work to ensure the reliable monetization of growth drivers while further promoting the growth of our existing businesses.
Our Group will continue to take on further challenges in pursuit of sustainable growth and enhancement of corporate value in the medium to long term. We would appreciate it if our stakeholders could support and cooperate with us.
June 2024
Representative Director, President and CEO
Tsuyoshi ANDO