Background History
TOKYO KEIKI's Flow & Level Measurement specializes in design, engineering, and manufacture of ultrasonic flow measurement and ultrasonic and radar level gauging products.
With over 50 years of experience in the field we are a leader in clamp-on and in-situ transit-time, phase-differential, and doppler ultrasonic flowmeters-products which have earned an enviable reputation for reliability in industry.
We have the distinction of being the first company to commercially market Introduce ultrasonic transit time flowmeters, with the first installation - a municipal water utility - in Itami city, Japan in 1964.
In addition to the water & wastewater industry, our products are used in broad spectrum of applications around the globe, including municipalities and in manufacturing as well as in process industries such as chemical, refining, and food & beverages, where they are used in in-plant processes and for effluent and wastewater measurements.
Our factory
Our products are manufactured to the highest standards of quality at
our ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 - certified factory in Yaita, Japan.