

Occupational Health and Safety


Employee health and safety forms the foundation for our corporate activities. As a part of the manufacturing industry, we realize that the physical and mental health of all of our employees is a key factor in continuing operations with safety at the forefront. Under this recognition, we will strive to create and maintain workplaces where employees can work with peace of mind, and will continuously work to create environments in which accidents do not happen.

Occupational Health and Safety Policy and System

Occupational Health and Safety Policy
Recognizing that, based on principles of respect for people, the securing of safety takes priority over all other activities and that health forms the foundation for corporate activity, the TOKYO KEIKI Group engages in business in accordance with the following provisions.

  1. We will eliminate risk factors related to occupational health and safety in the workplace, strive to create comfortable workplaces, and promote the maintenance and improvement of physical and mental health.
  2. We will build a health and safety management system that includes occupational health and safety policies, and will maintain its appropriateness, validity, and effectiveness by making continuous improvements.
  3. We will make occupational health and safety policies and other necessary matters known to all persons who work at the Company, and will work to enhance awareness of health and safety.
  4. We will comply with laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety management systems, with agreements concluded by the Company, and with matters set forth in internal rules.

Systems for occupational health and safety
Our health and safety system is composed of a district organization that consists of employees working at our sites and a company-wide organization that coordinates the district organizations. (See the health and safety organization chart.)
Our Company-wide Health and Safety Conference is convened in accordance with our Company-wide Health and Safety Conference Regulations. Its members are the manager of the Human Resources & General Affairs Dept. and its General Affairs Section manager, the managers of the Nasu, Yaita, Sano, Hanno, and Tanuma plants, and a matching number of labor union members (usually the Central Executive Committee). As a rule, the Conference convenes once a year to consider the revision and abolition of regulations concerning health and safety, and to discuss the content of regulations.
The Company-wide Health and Safety Secretariat Liaison Conference is convened every month before the Health and Safety Committee meeting in each district. The districts’ Committee secretariats gather to discuss and exchange information on agendas for respective Health and Safety Committee meetings, matters that should be shared across organizations, company-wide initiatives, and more. Labor unions do not participate.

Health and safety organization chart
Health and safety organization chart

Work-rlated accidents in FY 2021
Looking at work-related accidents in FY 2021, industrial accidents increased by 2 incidents from the previous fiscal year to 9 incidents, commuting-related accidents decreased by 2 incidents to 9, and traffic accidents increased by 9 incidents to 18 incidents. We will continue striving to ensure safety to prevent further work-related accidents.

Initiative to prevent recurrence of industrial accidents
When an industrial accident occurs, members of the district Health and Safety Committee conduct an on-site inspection in the presence of the victim and determine measures to prevent recurrence. The content of these measures is recorded in a work-related accident incident report and submitted to the Company-wide Health and Safety Secretariat Liaison Conference. The measures are also horizontally deployed to the district Health and Safety Committees.
In recent years, such accidents have tended to be less the result of negligence due to familiarity by experienced workers and more caused by inexperienced workers. Accordingly, we are striving to prevent industrial accidents before they occur by reinforcing instruction provided by experienced workers during the period when inexperienced workers are acquiring the basics of safe operation.

Thinking about health

As stated in our Occupational Health and Safety Policy, we recognize that the physical and mental health of our employees forms the foundation of our corporate activities.
One example initiative is our provision of training for selfcare and for workplace-based care through occupational health nurses and Human Resources and General Affairs Department staff in charge of health care. We also conduct stress checks for employees and provide feedback on the results. In fiscal 2021, we conducted stress checks for 1,909 persons, with a response rate of 93.3% (1,782 persons analyzed).