

Social Contribution


With awareness of our existence as a public entity within society, the TOKYO KEIKI Group contributes to the development of the communities in which we conduct business and readily contributes to society through a variety of activities.

Concepts and systems for social contribution

Our concept of social contribution under our Management Philosophy
Taking the items “Engage in sound and fair corporate activities in line with social norms” and “Protect the environment and work to conserve limited resources” stated in our Management Philosophy as the foundation for our approach to social contribution, we make contributions to the areas around our workplaces and engage in environmental protection activities.

System for social contribution activities
Our measures for everyday community contribution are planned and handled by the Human Resources and General Affairs Department in the Headquarters district and the Factory Management Section in individual factories. Planning for aid, relief funds, and so on in the event of serious damage due to natural disaster is coordinated groupwide by a disaster task force set up during an emergency or by the Corporate Planning & Administration Office.

Examples of social contribution

Maintenance of local environments

・Plant area beautification activities
In late fall, the Hanno Plant cleans up sidewalks in the vicinity, clearing away the deep piles of leaves from the roadside trees in the area. The plant manager and the entire managerial staff engage in the work of maintaining the community environment in an effort to preserve the environment of the community.
Because the sidewalks around the plant have a steep incline and are easy to slip on, this work is believed to help prevent falls and slips by pedestrians and bicycle riders due to fallen leaves, and to also contribute to improving community scenery.


・ Cooperation in Japanese Red Cross Society blood drive
Our Head Office, plants in Tochigi, and the Hanno Plant cooperate in blood drives by the Japanese Red Cross Society. In the past two years in particular, the temporary closure of major commercial facilities, cancellation of various large-scale events, requests to refrain from leaving home, and other effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in a continued shortage of blood donors. Desiring to boost the supply of blood needed for transfusions, we have responded with measures including an increase in blood drives at our plants.

Leave systems
As a program to encourage employee participation in volunteer activities, we have augmented our normal annual paid leave program with a special annual leave program that grants a number of leave days equal to unused, expired paid annual leave days. This leave can be used in special circumstances such as continued leave to aid neighboring residents or to take part in regional reconstruction after a disaster. In addition to annual leave and special annual leave, persons affected by disaster may take up to 7 days within a period of 14 calendar days following the disaster as general leave (paid leave).
In addition, paid leave is granted for the exercise of civil rights in cases of performing civil duties such as lay judge duty and Committees for the Inquest of Prosecution duty.