This digest of TOKYO KEIKI hydraulic components is intended to serve as a guide and a source of basic information. However; it does not include, for the most part, detailed information on product performance, dimensions, etc., which may be essential in particular applications. ln addition there may exist changes which have occurred since the issuance of this webpage and or inadvertent errors or omissions which may be material. As such it is strongly recommended that TOKYO KEIKI or our authorized representatives be consulted prior to application of the products and for further information on these or other TOKYO KEIKI hydraulic components.
The content of this online product catalog may not be copied, replaced, distributed, published, displayed, modified, or transferred in any form or by any means except with the prior written permission of TOKYO KEIKI INC.
Improper selection or improper use of the products described herein can result in death, personal injury and/or property damage.
This catalog provides product options for further investigation by customers having technical expertise with respect to the use of such products. It is the responsibility of the customer to thoroughly analyze all aspects of the customer's application and to review the information concerning the product in the current product catalog. Due to the diversity of possible applications, the customer is solely responsible for making the final selection of the product(s) to be used and to assure that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The customer is further responsible for all testing to verify acceptable life and performance of TOKYO KEIKI hydraulic products under actual operating conditions.
TOKYO KEIKI has made all reasonable efforts to present accurate information in this catalog and shall not be responsible for any incorrect information which may result from unintentional oversight or typographical errors. Due to continuous product improvement, the product specifications as stated in this catalog are subject to change by TOKYO KEIKI at any time without notice. The customer should consult TOKYO KEIKI or authorized representative or distributor for detailed information and to verify whether the information is up-to-date and accurate.
As part of our compliance with government regulations including those related to anti-terrorism measures, TOKYO KEIKI must declare to the government that our exports fall within government guidelines which are set forth in the declaration below.
TOKYO KEIKI INC. complies with UN regulations and the Export Trade Control Order of the Japanese Government. Therefore, we will decline the following transactions:
- Resale/sales of goods to countries against which the UN has resolved economic sanctions and/or countries listed in Attachment 4 to the Export Trade Control Order of the Japanese Government (i.e. Iran, Iraq, and North Korea).
- Resale/sale of goods to military forces (including terrorist groups) as the end user.
- Resale/sale of goods for weapons of mass destruction (nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons as well as missiles) and for their development.
These conditions may be subject to change to reflect changes in laws and regulations and other government ordinances.
Specific products in this online catalog - COMNICA Valves, proportional valves, and servo valves - are not designed for use in missile guidance or attitude control systems.